50 Mini Chocolate Chips
Orange Decorator's Gel
Fruit Leather
10 Gummy Rings
10 Gum drops
10 Pretzel Rods
- Melt white chocolate chips over a double boiler or in microwave.
- Dip Pretzel Rods one at a time into the chocolate, use a knife to smooth the chocolate 2/3 of the way down.
- Place pretzel on a cookie shet lined with parchment paper.
- Press on mini chocolate chips for eyes and buttons. Use orange decorator's gell to add the nose.
- Chill in refridgerator until chocolate hardens.
- Tie fruit leather on for scarves (we cut them in half to make them skinnier and easier to tie)
- Stretch gummy rings over the end of the pretzel.
- Dip gumdrop in melted chocolate and press on top to complete the hat.
- Display and serve and cute holiday cups, great for gifts!
compliments of: Amy and Family Fun Magazine